The University of South Wales would like to invite you to take part in a study that is being undertaken to inform the development of a health communication tool for people with learning disabilities
Health communication tools (often referred to as hospital passports) have been developed as a way of ensuring that when people with learning disabilities access healthcare services, key information is accessible to assist staff in providing safe and person-centred care. However, many of these documents have been developed, they vary in length and contain different information. This can mean that it can be difficult for healthcare staff to recognise the documents and locate key information in them. This then means that the safety of people with learning disabilities can be at risk.
To address this situation Welsh Government (as part of their Improving Lives Programme) have asked Improvement Cymru to commission work to develop a single health communication tool for people with learning disabilities in Wales. The University of South Wales have been commissioned to undertake this work and therefore are undertaking this survey to try and seek the views of as many people as possible. The information we gather will be used to inform the development of this new health communication tool.
The University of South Wales want to seek the views of as many people as possible to assist with the development of this new health communication tool. You as Carers have been identified as someone whose views are important in this process because you are a family member of someone with learning disabilities. We are particularly interested in hearing your views about what information you feel is most important in order to keep people with learning disabilities safe when accessing healthcare services. We are undertaking a separate exercise to seek the views of people with learning disabilities themselves.
For more information about this consultation or to find out more if you would like to take part, you can contact the research team below:
Further information and contact details:
The research team:
Professor Ruth Northway 01443 483177
Edward Oloidi 01443 483042
Stacey Rees 01443 483055
If you wish to raise concerns or complain about this project:
Jon Sinfield (University Governance Officer) 01443 484518