Carers Rights
Wales has long taken a keen interest in promoting the rights of carers to be heard, respected and valued for the essential role that they play in their local communities. As such, there are a number of rights and entitlements that carers living in Wales can now benefit from. These include the right to have a Carers Assessment, which takes into account the needs of a carer, alongside the needs of the person they care for. It also includes the right to be treated as partners in care when a relative is under Social Care support or under Health Care. Carers should be consulted with during assessments and any changes in support must now take account of the potential impact this may have on the carer themselves.
The links below provide some additional information on Carers rights which family carers may find useful.
Looking After Someone – Carers Rights Guide
Carers UK have produced this very useful Guide to Carers Rights 2013-14
You can download a copy here.
Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014
Social Care Legislation in Wales- Information and Learning Hub
Your Rights, Direct Payments and the Act
Well-being statement for people who need care and support and carers who need support
Everyone is entitled to well-being and everyone has a responsibility for their own well-being, but some people need extra help to achieve this. To define what well-being means to the individual, and understand whether this is being achieved, Welsh Government have published a well-being statement