Since the launch of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 back in April 2016, the forum has been tracking how much real understanding and awareness there is amongst family carers of their rights and entitlements around the Act. Feedback has been mixed, with most local groups either not being fully aware this Act now exists or not being aware of the equity that carers now have as a result of this new piece of legislation. Equally, there is still some confusion around the added choices and freedoms this Act gives families and the different ‘conversation’ that social care staff are now having with carers and their relatives as a result to the changes to the assessment and eligibility processes.
We were funded by the Welsh Government to run events across Wales to increase accurate awareness and understanding of the Act amongst the local carer population, explain the new duties within it and to inspire creative opportunities that it provides. Carers in wales are at the heart of this act and it can empower you to help shape the services you use.
From this work, we created a short film that outlines what rights carers now have under the act and some examples of the creative opportunities. Feedback from some of the groups we visited was really positive:
“Encouraged us to state that we “must” state our own needs”
“Some very inspiring examples of good practice”
“I feel less isolated as a result of attending this session”
We encourage you to watch the film below and find out for yourself what rights YOU now have in Wales: